There are a lot of fascinating artifacts in the Museum of Everyday Objects at Sanskriti Kendra. For centuries Indian artisans have found clever ways to decorate their utensils and tools. I thought that these ancient scissors look a little bit like bird faces, but I have to admit I was surprised that they weren't a bit more playful, since on a wall nearby there were faucets with animal heads, nut crackers carved to look like people, locks that looked like birds, etc. (see pictures below).
Make your own pair of scissors using cardboard and a brass fastener. Look at a pair of scissors. What would you do to make this pair of scissors more interesting? Brainstorm clever ways to design your own pair of scissors, consider things that open and shut, two things that might be joined together? Opposites? Things that come in pairs? Sketch an idea first so you can visualize each section. Draw the two sections side by side on shirt or recycled cardboard, remembering to leave a finger/thumb hole at the end of each section, then cut out carefully and assemble with a brass fastener. Scissor parts could be paper mached before they are attached with fastener, for a more involved project.